The following are affiliate links. Thank you for shopping my links and supporting my blog. ❤️ I don’t know about you guys, but cleaning is not my thang! Don’t get me wrong, I love a clean house, but the act of cleaning is so daunting....
Category: Motherhood
Welcome to the last post in our Women’s Health and Motherhood blog series. This is my story. I share it with you to let you know, if you are 1 in 4, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I also share it to start a dialogue and...
Monday Must Haves ~ Kids Pool Days Addition
posted by: Snuggles and Snacks
May 17, 2020
Thank you for shopping my affiliate links. I appreciate all of your support! ❤️ Summer is almost here in Wisconsin. We’ve been teased and teased again with a little bit of sunshine and warm weather, but I think it almost here to stay! When it...
A Breastfeeding Journey Untapped ~ A Story of Two Moms
posted by: Snuggles and Snacks
May 12, 2020
Welcome to post five in our Women’s Health and Motherhood blog series. Today’s blog post has been edited to include my story as well as my friend Mandy’s story. Motherhood is full of choices from how you choose to birth your baby, to feeding, and...
Anxious Mother, Calm Child. My Journey to, and Through Motherhood with Anxiety.
posted by: Snuggles and Snacks
May 7, 2020
Welcome to post four of our Women’s Health and Motherhood series. Today, I have the pleasure of introducing my amazing friend Bethany. Her perspective on life is a breath of fresh air. She exudes positivity and kindness. Bethany’s story shares great insight into motherhood and...
Unexpected Roadblocks Lead to Extraordinary Blessings
posted by: Snuggles and Snacks
May 5, 2020
Welcome back friends. Today I have the pleasure of introducing my long time friend Mandy. She is a beautiful mother of two spunky daughters. Mandy has had to overcome so much on her motherhood journey. All of her struggles have lead her to become the...
Motherhood: Not Where I Want to Be, Yet Exactly Where I Need to Be.
posted by: Snuggles and Snacks
April 30, 2020
Hey guys! I am so excited to introduce Megan as my first guest blogger in our women’s health and motherhood blog series. Megan’s journey has several twists and turns, but ends up leading her to discover her true self, beauty, and inner peace. Follow her...
Women’s health… what does that even mean??? It means so much! From self care, physical fitness, mental health, and prevention, to fertility and motherhood. As a younger woman, I rarely thought about women’s health. Although, reflecting back now, I realize that I spent quite a...
Smile Brilliant- At Home Whitening
posted by: Snuggles and Snacks
February 10, 2020
Thank you Smile Brilliant for sponsoring this post. They provided me with several the whitening service, but all thoughts and opinions are my own. I am a teething whitening junkie. Or should I say, I was one. When I was a teen before I even...
Thank you SSM Health VIrtual Visits for sponsoring this post. They provided me with several facts about the service, but all thoughts and opinions are my own. Hey there friends. Today seems just about as good of a day as any to chat about doctors...