Though all opinions are my own, this blog post is sponsored by SSM Health Dean Medical Group.
Please browse the following SSM Health websites for more information on Women’s Health and specifically Women’s Breast Health.
I remember as a kid when my parents turned 40 I was so worried. I mean they were half in the grave; almost halfway to 100. How could they be so old?

Well, now that the tables have turned, and I am only one year out from 40, I feel like 40 is the new 30. Here I am, almost 40 with a beautiful family, feeling young as can be and I think back to the days when I was mortified of my 40-year-old “old” parents, and I have a few things I’d love to tell myself.
Be kind to others.
Be kind to yourself.
You are worthy of great things.
Take care of your body
Be prepared for the future, but live in the moment.

Over the years, I’ve truly learned the importance of all of these things. In my teens and twenties, I was not as kind to my body. I hit up way too many tanning beds and sunscreen (who needed that?). I did, however, try to attend my yearly well-woman visits on a regular basis. As I prepare for the future, I know 40 brings another level of well-checks for women including a yearly mammogram. The thought of it seems a little scary, as I know it may be uncomfortable, but in the end, it’s worth any amount of pain to keep full tabs on the health of my body.
According to Dr. Henkel, a general surgeon and breast health expert in Madison, WI. “The number one risk factor for breast cancer is being a woman. It’s important for women to know how to get properly screened for this common disease,” (article by SSM Health)
I’m taking care of my body not only for me, but also for my family. My kids need me. They need me to be healthy, to be there for them and to be a good role model on how to live a healthy lifestyle. SSM Health has such a plethora of information on their women’s health website to help women navigate health concerns and get tips on how to best care for our bodies. I use the resources for myself and continually share them with friends who need resources to help them care for themselves, as well.
Take care of you! You’re worth it!