The hustle and bustle of life always seems to keep us busy. We need to make sure we get that last load of laundry done, cookies made for the school fundraiser, the lawn mowed, that last document edited for work, the list could go on and on. In doing so, how many times have we told our spouse or our kids, “Not right now, or “Not today.” I most definitely have said at least a few times already this week.
Well my question is if not today, then when? I know there are only so many minutes in a day and we HAVE to be productive and get something done. BUT, sometimes it’s good to just let it go and play that game your child has been asking you to play or take that walk your husband has been asking you to join in on.
The saying “The days are long, but the years are short,” (Gretchen Rubin) really has hit home for me lately. You never know what tomorrow brings, whether it be with your children, your spouse, or your parents. It’s so important to take the time to appreciate one another, truly listen to each other, and be in the moment. Although it seems like such an easy task, it’s something I struggle with. I am guessing many of you might too.
It’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day chores of the home, work and school and to forget about the fun that is right in front of you.
So what can we do about it???? That’s exactly what I’ve been reflecting upon this afternoon. What am I going to do to be more in the moment? Well it starts with saying “Not today” just a little bit less.
Although I want my kids to be able to be independent, I need to make sure that each day I take time to play WITH them, not just supervise them. I need to remember to snuggle them just a minute longer at bed time, those dishes can wait. And sometimes just drop what I’m doing to enjoy their smiles and have some fun.
Nick (my husband) and I have hired a babysitter to come once a week so that we can jog together. Although it seems trivial, it’s not. We get to spend and hour uninterrupted doing something we love and getting in shape which we both need. We talk, we laugh, we are just together and it feels amazing. Instead of saying, we’ll run together when the kids get bigger (not today) we decided to make it happen now and it feels great.
One thing we need to work on is having times where we can unplug, no exceptions! This summer we have been so great at it, but I know as the school year starts (Nick works in the education field), this will become more challenging, but because of that will be more of a necessity.
Another thing that really hit home today as I was reflecting was that I need to make sure to not wait until tomorrow to call or text my mom, grandparents or my girlfriend I’ve been meaning to get into contact with. Just take the moment to do it! A quick text or a short phone call to say “Hi,” can go a long way in showing how much you care.
So instead of being the “Not today” person, I strive to be the “How about today” person. Seizing the moment to talk, laugh and just plain old have fun.