Social media, real news, fake news. It all pushes us to compare. Compare ourselves to our friends, family and neighbors to celebrities and even our 10 years ago self. Just writing that stresses me out.
Today was a big day for me. I ran an 8k charity run, my first big run since getting pregnant with Boston about 5 years ago. I was so nervous going in to the whole thing. I’ve been running for a month and only about 2.5 miles at a time. There was such a big part of me that just didn’t want to show up. This was going to be hard and totally out of my current comfort zone. But, my kids were so excited to run the kids run with their grandma, there was no backing out.
As I started the race, I just kept thinking “5 frickin’ miles” as person after person after small child passed me up. Ridiculous, why was I doing this. But I padded on. About 1 mike into the race I came across my son’s tumbling coach, who I ran with for about 1/4 mile before she left me in her dust. But not too long after, I caught back up to her as she had stopped to run with a girl who was ready to give up. She was so encouraging to the young girl. She slowed down to run with her and help her to finish the race, not worrying about her own race time. What an inspiration!
It was at that moment that I change my mindset from -hell no, not 5 miles- to one step at a time, you got this girl! Instead of looking at my challenge as a whole, I broke it down into small manageable goals. I told myself, run to the next mailbox then walk for two mailboxes and so forth. It was hot. It was hard. But, by breaking my huge task into smaller goals, it was so much easier.
When I hit the three mile mark, over half way finished, I was at the top of a huge hill (that I just walked up😉) and the view, oh the view, it was breathtaking. I felt so alive. So at peace. It made me think even more about life, goals and achievements. At this point of the race, I am pretty sure I was one of the last, if not the last runner on the course. But I didn’t even care. I was doing this for me, for my kids, for my health. Who cares how it got done.
I started to feel really proud. I was going to finish this race, and I didn’t even care that I was one of the last ones to cross the finish line. My biggest takeaway from this race was the time to think, the time to remember how important it is to – do me – whatever that may be.
So- to the Mom who is wanting to breastfeed, to the woman embarking on her postpartum weight loss journey, to the parent searching for a new career and juggling family and work life, to the family trying to expand….
We all have hopes and dreams. Some may be lofty while others seem more achievable, but they all are possible. To get there, take it one step at a time. Don’t rush yourself. Make small manageable goals to help you feel success with your progress. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, don’t judge your success based on others! Get there your way and be proud of yourself all along the way!
Strong parents raise strong children. Be proud, be humble, be strong!
“Be faithful in small things, because it is in them that your strength lies.” ~ Mother Teresa